Transfer your Ex certificates and technical files to Eurofins CML Netherlands to ensure their validity in the case of a ‘no deal’ Brexit outcome.
With the UK parliament struggling to agree on the exit terms with the EU we understand there is concern about the validity of existing EU certificates and technical files.
The British government has stated, “products which were tested by a UK-based Notified Body will need to be retested by an EU-recognised conformity assessment body before placing on the EU internal market.”
“Alternatively, manufacturers can seek to arrange for their files to be transferred to an
EU-recognised Notified Body to allow for certificates of conformity issued by a UK-based Notified Body to continue to be valid.”
CML is maintaining two ATEX notified bodies; one in the UK and the other in the Netherlands. CML UK will handle all enquiries and manage the projects on behalf of CML Netherlands in our usual time and cost effective manner.
By holding ATEX certificates from both our notified bodies you will be able to continue trading within both the UK and Europe.
Our simple approach means you can continue to deal with the people you know and receive the great service you have come to expect while making sure your ATEX certification is Brexit-proof in the process.